Thursday, October 16, 2008

Marines, Ironman and Happy's

Just giving you guys some quick updates from the FRESH front.

First, Brady, our long time employee and FOF (friend of FRESH) is leaving for his career in the Marines. He completed basic training and will now go on to fulfill his office. Brady has been with me (Pat Fellows) for over 3 years. He has seen it all through multiple restaurants, openings, concept changes, athletic adventures, the works. We are very proud of him and will be keeping you up to date on his life.

On another front, I will be competing in Ironman Florida at the end of the month. This is one of the biggest tests in triathlon. I will start at 7:00 a.m. on Nov. 1st and 10-12 hours later, after 2.4 miles swimming, 112 miles on the bike and 26.2 miles running, I will be done. I have been training all summer and am excited for this challenge. I will post a race-report when I am done.

Finally. FRESH would like to announce its partnership with Happy's Running Club. This running club meets every Tuesday night for a 5k and cold adult beverages. Fresh will be providing 50 salads every week. This is a great opportunity to jump into fitness so come meet us at the Roux House on Tuesdays at 6 for a good run around downtown and great camaraderie.


